Have You Ever Thought About Selling Your Texas Business?

At some point, nearly every business owner considers selling their business. In Texas, timing is good. Many qualified buyers are eager to find profitable invests, meaning there are more buyers then there are attractive bussiness

But how much is your business actually worth? That's the question that every business owner has to ask at some point. With a no-obligation, no-pressure analysis, we can help you get a feel for how much your business could sell for.

If you are thinking of selling your business or just want to know what your options are, contact us.

Taylor Bombardiere

Growing up in a home with business-owning parents, Taylor understands the challenges and rewards that come along with “being your own boss,” which help him bring a knowledge-based perspective to his client support. It is this background that led Taylor to seek out a career in business brokerage. Taylor has helped many business owners large and small to understand the value of their business and guide them through the sales process. He also works to help business owners understand how to grow their business with an eye on exiting sometime in the future.

After graduating from the University of Colorado Boulder with a degree in marketing and real estate, Taylor quickly hopped into business brokerage. He now lives in Dallas, Texas and is prepared and able to help represent small business owners and help them achieve their exit goals. When not at work Taylor enjoys playing golf and hockey in his off time. If you have interest in talking about your business, please feel free to reach out directly to Taylor.

Patrick Bombardiere


Patrick Bombardiere is a Senior Broker, Partner, and Owner of Transworld Business Advisors. Patrick is a Denver area native whose family owned and operated a successful small business for over 25 years. He worked for his family’s business from the age of 8 all the way through college. Additionally, he and his wife own and operate a small business currently.

Patrick has a combined 25+ years of experience in the commercial real estate and business brokerage industries, working with business owners of all types. He has been a partner/owner of a residential mortgage company. In his career as a business broker, Patrick has helped clients sell businesses ranging from $50,000 to over $7 million, in a wide variety of industries. He prides himself on being able to help business owners identify what their business is currently worth, how the owner can make it worth more, and who the most probable buyer is.

In his free time, Patrick enjoys golf, cycling, tennis, hockey, hiking, and spending time with his wife, Beth, and their two adult children.


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Free Business Evaluation

To learn how much your business is worth today, fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as we are able. If you are unable to get the form to send, please email me directly at: tbombardiere@tworld.com