Financing often emerges as a significant hurdle when you decide to buy a business. While SBA financing remains a popular choice, it's not always feasible, and the process can be lengthy. Today, we want to shine a spotlight on an alternative financing option that our experts at Transworld Business Advisors specialize in—seller financing.

Seller financing, also known as owner financing or seller carry, introduces a unique financial arrangement where the seller extends financing to the buyer as part of the purchase transaction. This arrangement, facilitated by a Promissory Note (Seller Note), can be a game-changer for both buyers and sellers, offering flexibility and advantages that traditional financing may not provide.

Key Considerations for Buyers

Easier Access to Funds

Seller financing can ease the burden on buyers, especially if they encounter challenges securing an SBA loan or lack sufficient personal cash reserves.

Seller's Confidence in the Business

A seller's willingness to finance a portion of the sale often signals confidence in the business's future success. Buyers may perceive this as an added motivation for the seller to ensure the business's continued prosperity.

Lower Closing Costs

Opting for seller financing typically results in lower closing costs for buyers, bypassing significant SBA fees.

Key Considerations for Sellers

Attracting a Wider Pool of Buyers

Offering seller financing makes the purchase more accessible, attracting a broader range of potential buyers.

Potential for a Higher Selling Price

Sellers may command a higher selling price by providing financing, as buyers are often willing to pay a premium for the convenience and flexibility of this arrangement.

Interest Income and Tax Benefits

Sellers benefit from interest income generated by the note and potential tax advantages, such as spreading capital gains over multiple years. Consulting a tax advisor is recommended for personalized guidance.

Collateral and Security

The business or its assets can serve as collateral, providing the seller added security in case of buyer default. Additionally, a seller note is typically personally guaranteed by the buyer.

Seller financing emerges as a valuable tool in business acquisitions, offering flexibility and benefits for both parties involved. It bridges the financing gap, making transactions more feasible, but success hinges on careful planning and comprehensive legal documentation. If you're intrigued by the potential of seller financing, our business brokers at Transworld are ready to guide you, whether you're a buyer or a seller. Let's navigate the possibilities together!